
congratulation for a grand success in iitjee.sir what is the cause of inertia?is it indicate the existence of god.

congratulation for a grand success in iitjee.sir what is the cause of inertia?is it indicate the existence of god.


1 Answers

Ashwin Sinha
520 Points
13 years ago

Dear Nehal,

"cause" of inertia "inherent property of mass."

What is interesting is that inertia cannot be a force. This follows from the very definition of inertia. Here is a simple (and hopefully well-known) proof of this claim.

F = ma

We can interpret inertia to say that an object will not accelerate unless acted upon by some force. In other words inertia preserves scalar and angular momentum, thus the "force" of inertia is equal to zero.


           Good Luck!!!!!!

 Plz. approve!!!!!!!!

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