
A car is going at a speed of 21.6 km/hr when it encounters a 12.8m long slope of angle 30 degree.The friction coefficient between the road and the tyre is 1/2*0.732.Show that no matter how hard the driver applies the brakes,the car will reach the bottom with a speed of greater than 36km/hr.

A car is going at a speed of 21.6 km/hr when it encounters a 12.8m long slope of angle 30 degree.The friction coefficient between the road and the tyre is 1/2*0.732.Show that no matter how hard the driver applies the brakes,the car will reach the bottom with a speed of greater than 36km/hr.


1 Answers

17 Points
14 years ago

this appears to be an HC Verma sum

there's no fun unless u solve it urself

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