
Find the difference of air pressure between the inside and out side of a soap bubble of 5 mm diameter, if the surface tension is 1.6 N/m (a) 2560 N/m2 (b) 3720 N/m2 (c) 1208 N/m2 (d) 10132 N/m2

Find the difference of air pressure between the inside and out side of a soap bubble of 5 mm diameter, if the surface tension is 1.6 N/m
(a) 2560 N/m2 (b) 3720 N/m2
(c) 1208 N/m2 (d) 10132 N/m2

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
4 years ago

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