
A car sometimes overturns while taking a turn. When it overturns, it is (a) the inner wheel which leaves the ground first (b) the outer wheel which leaves the ground first (c) both the wheel leave the ground simultaneously (d) either inner wheel or the outer wheel leaves the ground

A car sometimes overturns while taking a turn. When it overturns, it is
(a) the inner wheel which leaves the ground first
(b) the outer wheel which leaves the ground first
(c) both the wheel leave the ground simultaneously
(d) either inner wheel or the outer wheel leaves the ground

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
3 years ago
For the inner wheel the radius of the turn is less than the outer wheel and therefore its maximum speed is also less than for the outer wheel. Thus the inner wheel leaves the ground first.

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