
Sir, I have send my completed application for jee advanced by speed post . But when i track the speed post no details were i give a complaint on the post office . But they said that it is lost . now what can i do . Please reply immediately


     I have send my completed application for jee advanced by speed post . But when i track the speed post no details were i give a complaint on the post office . But they said that it is lost . now what can i do . Please reply immediately

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

31 Points
11 years ago

I hope you have a photocopy of your application, try to submit the photocopy with a letter and photocopy of the speed post slip. If you have filled the form try submitting it again to the nearest IIT. Its important to fill the form soon because from there only you will receive the admit card. I guess you can download admit card from tomorrow. So be serious and take action right now.

vivek kumar
57 Points
11 years ago

apply againor contact jee officials

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