
1 A uniform electric field pointing in positive x- direction exists in region.Let A be the origin, B be the point on the x=+1cm and C be the point on y-axis at C=+1cm.Then at which point potential is maximum, and why? 2 if a positively charged pendulum is oscillating in a uniform electric field.then what will happen to its time period as compared to that when it was uncharged?

1 A  uniform electric field pointing in positive x- direction exists in region.Let A be the origin, B be the point on the x=+1cm and C be the point on y-axis at C=+1cm.Then at which point potential is maximum, and why? 

2  if a positively charged pendulum is oscillating  in a uniform electric field.then what will happen to its time period as compared to that when it was uncharged?


2 Answers

Askiitians Expert Soumyajit IIT-Kharagpur
28 Points
14 years ago

Dear Puneet Kumar,


QSN no 1 The field is uniform throughout and hence it's value will be the same at both the points

 B & C

QSN 2 :- If the field is vertical then it will affect the SHM. We have to see whether the force qE (where q is the charge and E is the electric field) is dowdward or upward. If the time period is T=2∏√(l/g) ihen it will be

g′=g+qE/m when force is downward

g′=g-Eq/m when force is upward.

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Askiitians Experts
Soumyajit Das IIT Kharagpur

motilal daima
13 Points
7 years ago
two isolated metalic spheres are of capacities 5 & 3 respectively. these are charged to 500v & 300 V & then connected by a conducting wire. the common potential will be

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