
a point q charge is kept at the centre of the fixed semicircular thread having a uniform charge per unit length a,the radius of semicircular thread being r .the force required to keep the charge stationary is????

a point q charge is kept at the centre of the fixed semicircular thread having a uniform charge per unit length a,the radius of semicircular thread being r .the force required to keep the charge stationary is????


2 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear jauneet



charge at the segment rdθ =ardθ

clearly horizontal component of force is cancel out because ring is symmetric about y axis

verticle force =Fcosθ =kqardθ/r2Cosθ

                               =kqa/r cosθ dθ

so total force = limit 0 to 90  ,  2∫ kqa/r cosθ dθ 

                    =limit 0 to 90  ,  2kqa/r∫ cosθ dθ 

                     = 2kqa/r

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ankit singh
askIITians Faculty 614 Points
4 years ago
charge at the segment rdθ =ardθ
The horizontal component of force is canceled out because a ring is symmetric about the y-axis.
A point charge is = q
Semicircular thread being  = R
Verticle force =Fcosθ =kqardθ/r2Cosθ
                              =kqa/r cosθ dθ
so total force = limit 0 to 90  ,  2∫ kqa/r cosθ dθ
                   =limit 0 to 90  ,  2kqa/r∫ cosθ dθ
       Therefore the force required to keep the charge stationary = 2kqa/r

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