
a molecule is at a distance r from the axis of a charged infinitely long metallic cylinder. if intensity of electric field is expressed as E=2q/r( where q is charge per unit of cylinder length) and the molecule has the form of a "dumb-bell" with a length l and charges +Q and -Q at its end. the force acting on the molecule is

a molecule is at a distance r from the axis of a charged infinitely long metallic cylinder. if intensity of electric field is expressed as E=2q/r( where q is charge per unit of cylinder length) and the molecule has the form of a "dumb-bell" with a length l and charges +Q and -Q at its end. the force acting on the molecule is


1 Answers

Chetan Mandayam Nayakar
312 Points
13 years ago

The orientation of the molecule w.r.t. the cylinder has not been specified. Therefore, I am assuming (on the basis of stable equilibrium), that the line passing through +Q and -Q passes through the axis of cylinder perpendicularly.

Force= -2qQ((1/(r-(L/2)))-(1/(r+(L/2))))(r/lrl)

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