
1. is there any lower limit to the electric force between two particles placed at a seperation of 1 cm ? some old text it is mentioned that 4(pie) lines of force originate from each unit positive charge . Comment on the statement in view of the fact that 4(pie) is not an integer.

1. is there any lower limit to the electric force between two particles placed at a seperation of 1 cm ? some old text it is mentioned that 4(pie) lines of force originate from each unit positive charge . Comment on the statement in view of the fact that 4(pie) is not an integer.


3 Answers

Chetan Mandayam Nayakar
312 Points
13 years ago

εεεelectric charge is quantized and the least force is that between two quanta. the flux of the electric field across a surface is defined as the area multiplied by the intensity of the field in the direction normal to the area, multiplied by 4πε0. for a unit positive charge at the centre of a sphere of radius 'r', the flux is (1/(4πε0r2)(4πr2)(4πε0)=4π, it is technically incorrect to say

"4(pi) lines of force..." you will not find such mistakes in good books like Resnick and Halliday

12 Points
8 years ago
my sincere regards to you sir but I think that in question 2, it is about a common old theory that you may not know, after all H. C. Verma is a reputed book, we can’t challenge it’s question.
12 Points
8 years ago
ok so how do we take back what we said ..........................................................................................................................................................................just completing the word limit of minimum 100 characters

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