
the force between two point charges +q,-q placed r distance apart is f1 and force betwwen two spherical conductor ,each of radius R placed with their centre r distance apart charged with charge +q,-q is f2. if separation 'r' is not much larger than R,THEN (1) F1>F2 (2)F1=F2 (3)F1

the force between two point charges  +q,-q placed r   distance apart is f1 and force betwwen  two spherical  conductor ,each of radius R placed with their centre r distance apart charged with charge +q,-q is f2. if separation 'r' is not much larger than R,THEN (1) F1>F2 (2)F1=F2 (3)F1


1 Answers

Chetan Mandayam Nayakar
312 Points
13 years ago

due to induction the effective distance between the net charges on the two spheres is less than 'r'. Therefore,


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