Flag Electromagnetic Induction> a solid cylinder,a solid sphere,and a hol...
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a solid cylinder,a solid sphere,and a hollow sphere each of mass m and radius r are relaesed from the top of a smotth inclined plain then which of the bodies has minium acceleration down the plain?
option; 1) solid cylinder
         2)solid sphere 
3)hollow sphere
4|)all have same acceleration

fouzia , 6 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

The one with the smallest ratio between the moment of inertia about its axis of rotation and is mass. The reason is that would be the one tying up the least kinetic energy in its rotation. Since moment of inertia is larger in objects whose mass is distributed farther from their centers of mass, and since the solid sphere best distributes its mass nearer the axis of rotation, it must arrive first.

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