Flag Electric Current> What is exactly a positive charge flowing...
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What is exactly a positive charge flowing in a current if charge is the flow of electrons (negatively charged)?
Like I know that deficiency of electrons or surplus of electrons makes a body positive or negative, but that was in electrostatics when the charges were at rest, but in current, like in circuits what exactly is a positive charge?
It is a silly question, but I am not able to figure it out that why positive charge is being discussed in circuits when current is the flow of free electrons and electrons are negative?

Bhavya , 4 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Ayush Anand

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

There is a difference between flow of charges and flow of conventional current. In earlier times, it was thought that current flows from high to low potential i.e. high concentration of positive charge to lower concentration. But later it was investigated that current is due to follow of electrons whose direction is exactly opposite, i.e. from less positive (more negative) to more positive (less negative). Positive charges in a solid conductor is nothing but deficiency of electrons, but in electrolyte solution it is the flow of positive ions. This is the difference.
I hope it helps.
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