
What is drift velocity and how this velocity is produced explain???

What is drift velocity and how this velocity is produced explain???


2 Answers

Mahima Kanawat
1010 Points
5 years ago
Dear student 
The electrons move randomly inside a conductor, their average velocity is zero.
But, in the presence of electric field the electrons move in a specific direction (in the opposite direction of electric field) and acquires almost constant velocity. This is known as drift velocity 
yekendra pandey
13 Points
5 years ago
In normal state electrons in a metal are having thermal motion which is very high velocity motion of the order 10 ^4m/sec.The direction is at random.It keeps coliding with the ions and getting reflected in different direction.When elcttric field is applied across the conductor a force starts acting on these charges due to this force all the electrons starts drifting in the direction opposit to the E this velocity with avrage value is called drift velocity.This is uniform velocity with no acceleration.All the elcetrons moves in same drift velocity in the same direction opposit yo E.

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