
Q1) Under the influence of Coulomb field of charge +Q , a charge -q is movind around it in an elliptical path orbit. Find out the correct statement - a)The angular momentum of charge -q is constant. b)The linear momentum of charge -q is constant. c)The angular velocity of charge -q is constant d)The linear speed of the charge -q is constant. Q2)A solid conducting sphere of radius 'a' has a net positive charge 2Q . A conducting spherical shell of inner radius 'b' and outer radius 'c' is concentric with the solid sphere and has a net charge -Q . The surface charge density on the inner and outer surfaces of the spherical shell will be -

Q1) Under the influence of Coulomb field of charge +Q , a charge -q is movind around it in an elliptical path orbit. Find out the correct statement - 

a)The angular momentum of charge -q is constant.

b)The linear momentum of charge -q is constant.

c)The angular velocity of charge -q is constant

d)The linear speed of the charge -q is constant.


Q2)A solid conducting sphere of radius 'a' has a net positive charge 2Q . A conducting spherical shell of inner radius 'b' and outer radius 'c' is concentric with the solid sphere and has a net charge -Q . The surface charge density on the inner and outer surfaces of the spherical shell will be - 


2 Answers

11 Points
7 years ago
Q1) a) angular momentum of the charge -q about charge +Q is constant since torque on the charge is zero
Rishi Sharma
askIITians Faculty 646 Points
3 years ago
Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to your problem.

a) angular momentum of the charge -q about charge +Q is constant since torque on the charge is zero

Please ask one question at a time.

Thanks and Regards

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