
for the speed control device select individual components, you should include product details and should include details of how you are going to interface the components and how you will monitor and check the performance of the system.......

for the speed control device select individual components, you should include product details and should include details of how you are going to interface the components and how you will monitor and check the performance of the system.......


1 Answers

878 Points
13 years ago

Dear student,

Manual control substitutes the facility operator for the automatic control system in the feedback
loop, and leads to the risk of system or equipment mis-operation due to human error. Safety interlocks,
such as motor overload, high-high pressure switches, fire detection, etc. should therefore be hard-wired
into the control circuit such that they are active in both manual and automatic control modes. Switchgear
protective relaying required for fault protection should always be hard-wired in the circuit breaker trip
circuit and not dependent upon the controller.

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B.Tech, IIT Delhi

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