
What to do in these last four days before JEE?

What to do in these last four days before JEE?


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 73 Points
10 years ago

171-1447_result24.jpgThe countdown has begun and the clock is ticking away. There are only 4 days to go for the IIT entrance exam 2014. To be specific, 3 days and 4 nights. Sounds intimidating, doesn’t it? But now there is no time to waste getting scared about the exam, or worrying about what you haven’t done. For whatever time is left in hand now, just focus and study/revise at an even pace. Before you log off and get back to your studies there are some last minute JEE main preparation tips I would like to share with you all- 
Revise, revise and revise: Now since there are just 4 days left, it is high time to change the course of your studying. It time to pull up the socks and start revising if you have not started that. Go to our revision notes and take a printout of chapter wise summaries and the important formulae. These would be most important for you the last minute studies. Even if you don’t have the time to solve the problems of each and every type, you must go through all important things like theorems, formula etc. this is basically brushing the basics. Remember that basics are the building blocks to the solutions of the biggest problems.

Solve Practice Papers: If you are thorough with revision, do not think twice and solve as many practice papers as you can. The more you will solve these papers, the more you will get acquainted with the JEE main 2014 exam pattern. Knowing the exam pattern helps a lot to save the time in hand. In case you are not done with your revisions yet, then also do not worry. Divide time to revise and solve practice papers side by side. Solving practice papers now will get you into the flow of what you will be doing post these 4 days and you will feel much more confident on the day of the exam.

Stick to a schedule: While you have just 4 days in hand, do not get into a haste to cram or practice than what you can manage. Remember that whatever you will write in the exam will be an outcome of the preparation you have done throughout the year and not only in the last minute. So while last minute study can make you remember the important points, at the same time a hotchpotch will ruin things for you. So make a schedule for all the 3 subjects, dividing time between revision and practice paper and alongside letting provision for adequate sleep and breaks for timely food and rest. Even if you don’t have time to make a physical schedule, make a mental note of it.

Do not panic: As I mentioned earlier now there is no time left to panic. Panic will only worsen the situation and make you unsure of even the things which you have completed. Remember that the upcoming IIT entrance exam 2014 is the biggest moment for lakhs of students like you and no one is sleeping happily at this last minute. They are all as afraid as you are but what will give you an edge over all the others is keeping your calm and making the optimal use of time in hand.

Tip for the exam eve and exam day: This is very important. The night before the exam you need to have a sound sleep, free of tension or anxiety of any kind. Forget everything around you as everything in this world can wait for a day. Wake up fresh minded. Go for a sort walk and jog as this will open your mind and relax your senses which would definitely help you during the examination. A relax mind can recall more than a nervous one. If you believe in God, pray for some time. Reach exam centre ahead of time and avoid last minute course discussion with peers, known or unknown. Keep extra pens handy. Read the question paper clearly and attempt the question only after thoroughly understanding it. There can be tricky questions! Above everything at this time what you need the most is the faith in yourself. Tell yourself confidently that you can and you will crack it. You know the basics and whatever it is, you will conquer in the examination. The exam can never be bigger than you. You have solved many before and you will do well in this too. So, now you can log off, and study well! All the best!

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