
The change in molar energy noticed during atomic transition of 5 hertz frequency from a mono atomic molecule

The change in molar energy noticed during atomic transition of 5 hertz frequency from a mono atomic molecule


1 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
To calculate the energy change for an atomic transition that gives rise to a radiation of 5 Hz, we will use the following relation..E = hν....(1)where h is the planck``s constant, E is the energy of the emitted radiation and ν is the frequency of this emitted radiation. We know that the energy absorbed or emitted during a transition is equal to the energy difference between the energies of the two involved energy levels...Now h = 6.63 X 10-34 Js and ν is the frequency of the emitted radiation = 5 Hz. Substituting the values in equation (1), we get...E = 6.63 X 10-34 X 5= 33.15 X 10-34 J

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