
Sir is Aayojan school of architecture in Jaipur is good for doing B.Arch degree in Rajasthan if there is another better college of architecture in Rajasthan please suggest me as soon as possible Jee main paper 2 expected marks are 135 also predict rank

 Sir is Aayojan school of architecture in Jaipur is good for doing B.Arch degree in Rajasthan if there is another better college of architecture in Rajasthan please suggest me as soon as possible Jee main paper 2 expected marks are 135 also predict rank


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 33 Points
9 years ago
Dear Student,
Aayojan is a known name in Rajasthan and has consistently improved it placement records. Other colleges to be considered in this area would be –
Hindustan Institute of Architectural & Civil Engineering
Jagan Nath University
Jai Narain Vyas University
All the Best!
Thanks & Regards,
Dinesh Sajnani
AskIITians Faculty

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