
Please tell me how to find potential diff betwn any 2 given pts in a given circuit with an eg

Please tell me how to find potential diff betwn any 2 given pts in a given circuit with an eg


1 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear vipul

To find the potential difference between two given point ,

first find out the equivalent resistance between these two point and then find how much current is passing through these resistance.

then you can find the potential difference =V =IR

consider this example:


Find the potential difference between points b and c .


 I1 +I2 =I3 .............1

loop abcda     10 V - 6*I1 - 2 *I3 = 0   ................2

loop befcb -14 V + 6*I1 - 10 V - 4*I2 = 0  ..............3

from equation 1 ,2,3

I1 =2V

now  Vb -Vc = +6*2 -10 =2 V

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