Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
Last Activity: 15 Years ago
Dear Mahesh
Sale of OMR application (Off-line) form and Information Brochure will start from 10:00 AM (IST) on November 16,2009 and close at 5.00 PM (IST) on December 15, 2009.The application material can be obtained from any of the designated bank branches in each zone listed in APPENDIX-6. of information broucher.
The cost of application material including the examination fee is Rs 1000/- for GE/OBC/DS candidates while it is Rs 500/-for Female/SC/ST/PD candidates
Instructions for applying Off-line
• Read carefully the eligibility criteria (Section III).
• Fill-in the OMR application form as per the guide lines given in Section VII.
• Follow the procedure given in Section VIII of information broucher for completing the application process.
Candidates can apply On-line, if they have access to computer, printer and Internet at home or elsewhere, by logging on to JEE website.. On-line application portal will be open from 8:00 AM (IST) on November 1, 2009 to 5:00 PM (IST) on December 7, 2009.
The examination fee is Rs 900/- for GE/OBC/DS candidates and Rs 450/- for SC/ST/PD and female candidates. Candidates can make payment On-line with credit/debit cards of major banks. Payment can also be made through challans of designated banks.
IIT Bombay
IIT Delhi
IIT Guwahati
IIT Kanpur
IIT Kharagpur
IIT Madras
IIT Roorkee
Documents and Materials Necessary for Applying for IIT-JEE Online
1. you must have valid email ID
2.power backup for computer in case of power failure.
3 A clear attested copy of your SSLC (10th standard) certificate for age proof.
4. Latest passport size (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) color photograph
5. A thick A4 size (21 cm x 29.7 cm) cloth cover.(for printing the application form)
6. Attested copy of category certificate for SC/ST applicants.
5.If you are visually impaired and you need a question paper with enlarged font, download the request letter format here , fill up the same and enclose with your application form.
6.DS Category : Children of Defence/Paramilitary personnel killed or permanently disabled in action during war or peacetime operations can submit an attested copy of the relevant certificate issued by a competent authority in the Directorate of Resettlement and Rehabilitation, New Delhi (under the Ministry of Defence, Govt., of India) or in the Ministry of Home Affiars, Govt., of India, as applicable, along with the application.
Instructions for applying On-line
• Log-on to IIT-JEE Website.
• Go to menu item “Apply-On-line”
• Enter name, date of birth and generate User-ID and
Password. Note down the User-ID and Password for
future reference.
You can download the INFORMATION BROUCHER OF JEE 2010 from the given link
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