
I got 340795 air & Category SC State of Eligibility Maharashtra & state rank is All India Rank Overall 340795 ------ Category 19506 ------ State Rank Overall 27797 ------ Category 1903 - 3rd round is over can i get admission in vnit i have filled only 6 branch of vnit only

I got 340795 air & Category SC State of Eligibility Maharashtra & state rank is All India Rank Overall 340795 ------ Category 19506 ------ State Rank Overall 27797 ------ Category 1903 - 3rd round is over can i get admission in vnit i have filled only 6 branch of vnit only


1 Answers

AskiitianExpert Shine
10 Points
15 years ago


I do not think u can get admission in any of the NITs at this rank, even in the fourth counselling. U need to go fr the state colleges that take admission on the basis of ur state rank. Find some of the good colleges in the state and go fr admission in those.

There are too less seats , for any of them to remain vacant til ur rank.

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