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     i would like to know abt. aeronautical engg. clges. in india other than iits.wat are the reputation and job prospects of such clges?also tell me which of them are private or government aided.................

    is it possible to seek m.tech course in aeronautical engg. after completion of b.tech course in any other branch like ENTC,electronics and electrical...................?

    reply me as soon as possible

     thanking u in anticepation............

Ajinkya Domale , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Pratham Ashish

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear Ajinkiya,

Regarding aeronautical engg. collges in  india, you can think of the folowing colleges like

1.) Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai 600044 (Tamil Nadu) -- govt

2.) Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh -- govt

3.) Nehru College of Aeronautics and Applied Sciences, Coimbatore -- pvt

4.)Hindustan Electronics Academy,  Ulsoor, Bangalore 560008 (Karnataka)- pvt.

These are some of the best colleges after iits providing a better oppurtunity for your future aspects.I personally know about MIT ,chennai & PEC that these have very good job prospects.

Yes it is possible to do m.tech in aeronautical engg. after completing b.tech from branch like electronics, electrical,etc.

You can give GATE exam in aero and take admission in any college providing m.tech in this field.

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