Flag Discuss with colleagues and IITians> time management and revising skills...
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i certainly lack the time management skills and revising skills which are of of immence importance.....so i request the reader to advice me ample points related to these two things..

aditya deswal , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Pratham Ashish

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

hi aditya,

yes u r absolutely right abt d importance of time management skills n revising skills.....1stly for time management i wud suggest u to start from very beginning n try to make a small target initially .u start wid small targets to be done widin a day n den increase ur target step wise.n d point at which u r ok wid dis den u can set target for a week, den for a month,,,,n according to me small targets r always a better option but try do reach it very seriously otherwise dis will be of no importance..

Regarding revising skill i cud only say dat u hav to be regular n do more no of problems of a formula such dat u don't hav to memorise it ,doing more problem is d best way of learning any formula...n also as said earlier be regular dat will help u a lot...

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