
I AIEEE rank is 33337 and i belong to OBC category n i got 352 choices,Please tell me whether i can joinany of the NITs or not.Also please rank the NITs

I AIEEE rank is 33337 and i belong to OBC category n i got 352 choices,Please tell me whether i can joinany of the NITs or not.Also please rank the NITs


1 Answers

ashish kumar
17 Points
15 years ago


Dear Hemant,

As your rank is not good enough you will have to compromise either with the college or the branch you would be getting. Though its pretty sure that you can get some good branch like chemical or civil but to which NIT you will be getting this that really matters.

Refer to the last year cutoff details and get what best you could get : -

Please clarify what you wanted to ask with that 352 choices you got .

Thank you.

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