
SIR,my performance in JEE 2010 was Phy.-37 Maths-46 Chemistry-107 Total-190.I was declared as NOT QUALIFIED though the meritlist cutoff was 190.I have secured a rank of 1311 in VITEEE and a rank of 14418 in aieee and a scored 264 marks in BITSAT 2010.I m frm general category. I m thinking to take drop and prepare for JEE for one more year as it was my 1st attempt also in JEE 2010 around 100 marks questions got left and some were made wrong though i knew their answers just bcoz of nervousness in the examination.So what do u think it would be a wise decision to take drop or should i take admission in any of the good nits or dce or vit or BITS.plzzzzz. suggest i m in great confusion.

SIR,my performance in JEE 2010 was Phy.-37 Maths-46 Chemistry-107 Total-190.I was declared as NOT QUALIFIED though the meritlist cutoff was 190.I have secured a rank of 1311 in VITEEE and a rank of 14418 in aieee and a scored 264 marks in BITSAT 2010.I m frm general category. I m thinking to take drop and prepare for JEE for one more year as it was my 1st attempt also in JEE 2010 around 100 marks questions got left and some were made wrong though i knew their answers just bcoz of nervousness in the examination.So what do u think it would be a wise decision to take drop or should i take admission in any of the good nits or dce or vit or BITS.plzzzzz. suggest i m in great confusion.


3 Answers

Rahul askIITiansExpert.IITR
110 Points
14 years ago

If I were in your place I would definitely taken a drop. See the colleges you are mentioning will be available to you even a year after. And your marks suggest that you have that thing to clear JEE. So I suggest you to just roll your sleeves up and start working on your nervousness. remember JEE is not just a test of concepts. It also tests your metal strength, which can be developed through practice and practice..

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Askiitians Experts

Rahul- IIT Roorkee

Kaustubh Tripathi
17 Points
14 years ago

go 4 bits

yamini singh
16 Points
14 years ago

Hi,this is yamini.Well we share somewhat a similar case.I also appeared in jee this year and secured air 5935.Well i had set my target around 1000-2000 but the day 11th april didn't prove good,out of nervousness,pressure and hurry i spoiled around 40 marks which i could easily add.The result was very dissapointing for me and i have decided to drop this year and try again and would suggest you the same.This year i m going to set my target higher and sincerely work for that.I would like to say that if u have decided to take drop then don't listen to what people say against it.just set ur mind n go for it . best of luck for next year n wish same for me.

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