
I want clarification about fee refund: Suppose i have been alloted a seat after first allotment and i submitted reuisite DD but at the same time excercised option to change acroos the institution,and if i am not satisfied with second allotment also and want to withdraw,can i get refund of already deposited fee amount??

I want clarification about fee refund:

Suppose i have been alloted a seat after first allotment and i submitted reuisite DD but at the same time excercised option to change acroos the institution,and if i am not satisfied with second allotment also and want to withdraw,can i get refund of already deposited fee amount??


2 Answers

askIITians Faculty 873 Points
6 years ago
No, you will not get a refund for that. Since the seat has been booked
askIITians Faculty 873 Points
6 years ago
I hope the query is resolved

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