
Is manipal a good college?Is it worth that much of money (nearly 10 lac)? Are students there competitive?Because I understand that many students who got very low ranks in Vit,Aieee,etc. got good ranks in Mit Enat. And are the course offered by the recognised and accredited by any satutory body (Indian or foreign).I am attending Mit counselling for a backup.Is it worth? Pardon me I first asked this question under a different topic.

Is manipal a good college?Is it worth that much of money (nearly 10 lac)?
Are students there competitive?Because I understand that many students who got very low ranks in Vit,Aieee,etc. got good ranks in Mit Enat.
And are the course offered by the recognised and accredited by any satutory body (Indian or foreign).I am attending Mit counselling for a backup.Is it worth?

Pardon me I first asked this question under a different topic.


2 Answers

ashish kumar
17 Points
15 years ago


See Manipal is a very good college as it give good palcement to almost all of its students.Its not like that those who get poor rank are less competitive, after coming to a college all the students become equal, they study well and perform well.

ya manipal is affliated college and is under AICTE.

Thank you.

r 123
8 Points
15 years ago
I know it is recognised .I was talking about NBA accrediation.And what about the fees that they are charging?Is the degree worth so much?I got addmission in a government institution(andhra university college of engineering)So which college should I choose?

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