
sir i hav got air 6405 in iit jee. what branch can i get in any iit , ism, it-bhu as iam gen candidate. sir bhu me ceramic ka kya scope hai? sir kya old n new iits me kuch seats badhi aur kis course me badhi hai. ihav no other option as my air in eee 15472( i am from mp)


  i hav got air 6405 in iit jee. what branch can i get in any iit , ism, it-bhu as iam gen candidate. sir  bhu me ceramic ka kya scope hai? sir kya old n new iits me kuch seats badhi aur kis course me badhi hai. ihav no other option as my air in eee 15472( i am from mp)


1 Answers

ashish kumar
17 Points
14 years ago


Dear Eshan,

Total no. of seats after opening of new IITs is just 6875 after opening of new IITs, seats in the older IITs still the same.

As you are rank is quite close to this you wont be getting branches or college of your wish. Ceramic is just an ok branch, If you just want a B.Tech degree than you dont have much scope. If you are opting for it do a minor degree there in civil also as their courses are designed in such a way.

For more details regarding last year cutoff details refer : -


Regarding your AIEEE rank its good enough to secutr your seat at some of the god NITs

For more details regarding last year cutoff details refer :

Thank you.



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