
I have got AIR-6122 rank in iit-jee. which iit-college form should i fill-up.

I have got AIR-6122 rank in iit-jee.
which iit-college form should i fill-up.


1 Answers

Anshul Verma
64 Points
14 years ago

Hi Rohit ,


Congrats on your Rank!!!


You wil get branches like chem . ,Bio. Tech , Bio Chem . textile , Metallurgy etc in old IIT's you will also have an option of a Dual Mech. , Dual Ece .


Aas about new IIT;s you will have a chance to get a bettter branch so i will suggest you to choose a IIT where you get a branch of your choice .


for more details check out below links

Cutoff in new IITs  check the link give below :    (this link includes the more detail analysis)

for code of the cources check the councelling broucher 2009.



All the best !!!!



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