
Hi I am planning to leave out Binomial theorem and Permutations and combinations while studying 4 JEE as i cannot understand these chapters at all.. Is it ok to drop or will it make a difference..

Hi I am planning to leave out Binomial theorem and Permutations and combinations while studying 4 JEE as i cannot understand these chapters at all.. Is it ok to drop or will it make a difference..


1 Answers

Kishan IIT Kharagpur
46 Points
14 years ago

Hey Varun

It is never a good idea to leave out any topic if you are serious about clearing IIT JEE. There are two reasons for this:

1) There is a chance that a lot of questions might come from these topics in next year's JEE.

2) A lot of questions involve more than one concept. So if you do not know all concepts, you might not be able to solve the question at all in spite of knowing a lot of other topics.

You must instead put in more time and effort on learning atleast the basics in these chapters and come back to these topics every now and then and try more difficult problems in these topics. Given that there is almost a year left for the next IIT JEE, you have ample time to prepare yourself.


Kishan S Srinivas

Askiitians Expert

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