
Which of the following universities is better: Manipal University OR Thapar University. Presently i am getting ECE in Manipal University and ECE+MBA in Thapar University. Please guide...

Which of the following universities is better: Manipal University OR Thapar University. Presently i am getting ECE in Manipal University and ECE+MBA in Thapar University. Please guide...

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

kanwar singh sidhu
38 Points
8 years ago
Manipal accordind to me is better if we see all the rankings and infrastructure.Also thapar is also most reputed colleges in india so it is also good . It is also offering you MBA cource so now it depends on you which one u want
Ayushmaan Vardhan
804 Points
8 years ago
Both are at par as far as the question of stature lies, and the next issue is to make sure what interests you the most, are you willing to go for integrated program of ECE+MBA or not,....if yes then go for Thapar else choose Manipal,,,,there can be another option as well, you may choose a few leading institutions and visit their official websites to find out relevant details for admission process and if you feel lured then go for nay of them, my mind you may go for – Rajasthan Tech Uni, Kota,...........College of Engg Trivandrum,........Jabalpur engg College , Jabalpur,.......Lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara

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