
log x to the base 5*log x to the base 6*log x to the base 7=log x to the base 5*log x to the base 6+log x to the base 6*log x to the base 7+log x to the base 7*log x to the base 5.Find the set of all the solutions of the given equation. Ans {1,210} Please give the solution

log x to the base 5*log x to the base 6*log x to the base 7=log x to the base 5*log x to the base 6+log x to the base 6*log x to the base 7+log x to the base 7*log x to the base 5.Find the set of all the solutions of the given equation. Ans {1,210}
Please give the solution


2 Answers

11 Points
10 years ago
just invert the logs to get same base. then in RHS take LCM and then yo will get your answer.
Arpit Kumar
31 Points
10 years ago
Thank you very much

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