
How to prepare for jee exams with in a year?What time management must be followed? And suggest how our mind should be achieve it?Please dont say its impossible!

How to prepare for jee exams with in a year?What time management must be followed? And suggest how our mind should be achieve it?Please dont say its impossible!


1 Answers

Riddhish Bhalodia
askIITians Faculty 434 Points
8 years ago
Not impossible you can do it in a year

But you need to work hard.
1) Decide on a subject P/C/M , the one which is stongest – master that for jee (give you confidence and atleast get you clear jee)
2) be regualr in practice-- coaching or otherwise
3) Do not follow too many books, NCERT for chem is fine and HC Verma for Physics. Just do that but do them properly
4) It’s ok if you miss few topics but whatever you have done must be done well.
5) Do let the stress get you, state of the mind should be at peace and mildly confident. And stay away from peope who say it’s impossible.

All the best

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