Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Synonyms and Antonyms
Questions from this topic are commonly asked in all English language exams. For theBITSATEnglish section there are generally 2 questions from this topic.
To understand the perfect use of synonyms and antonyms learning Parts of Speech is essential.
Study material designed forGREorMBAexams can prove to be helpful in preparing forBITSATEnglish since they are able to provide a complete breakdown and a stepwise explanation of the topics.
Synonym and antonym is always better of those with a good vocabulary hence, increasing your vocabulary whether through reading the dictionary or other vocabulary related books will always prove helpful for this section.
Jumbled Paragraphs
If you understand your grammar well cracking jumbled paragraphs is no tough task since it only requires putting together sentences so that they end up making sense.
Understanding the crux of the storyline and the sequence of events is the key to solving these problems.
Reading as much as possible can prove to be a good and rewarding exercise for solving jumbled paragraphs however, since it is not possible for engineering aspirants to read English a lot, newspapers are the best device for them and they should make newspaper reading into a habit not only for their English but also for general knowledge.
The task is most simplified if you are able to locate the beginning and end lines of the paragraph. Once you know how it starts and ends, the middle is easier to join together.
If nothing works try the elimination theory read through the choices available to decide which one of them is making more sense. However, beware of making any wild guesses because there is negative marking deducting 1 mark for every incorrect answer is applicable toBITSAT.
Question on Essay -
This is a time consuming but simple and high scoring question. In this the candidates are given an essay to read from which they are to them answer questions. Very similar to the unseen passages that appear in every English paper the simplest trick is to read through t he questions before reading the essay since it helps locating the paragraphs where the answers might be located.
Though it might appear extremely time consuming but one thorough read of the essay is inevitable to make sure you don't waste time reading it again searching for the answers.
Reading newspaper regularly can improve anyone's reading as well as grasping speed of any available text.
The answers should strictly belong to the given essay and no candidate must answer the questions from personal knowledge and assumed information.
Maximum questions in the English section of theBITSATpaper belong to the grammar section and can not be classified separately.
Parts of Speech, Tenses, Verb forms, Conditional Sentences, Types of Sentences etc. are some sections under grammar which might be asked in theBITSATEnglish paper in any form.
If starting preparations with good time in hands then reading through books like Wren and Martin, everyday for a couple of hours, is a good choice, otherwise read through the study material forGREor other similar exams.
If you are good at English and you think you don't need to go back to the basics then solve as manyBITSATsample papers as possible to keep polishing your skills.
ThoughBITSATEnglishis a very small part of the entire exam but it is highly estranged for science students who spend all their time on the technical subjects. Also while preparing forBITSAT make sure you study English regularly since it is not a thing to be leaned in a day.
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Synonyms and Antonyms
Questions from this topic are commonly asked in all English language exams. For theBITSATEnglish section there are generally 2 questions from this topic.
To understand the perfect use of synonyms and antonyms learning Parts of Speech is essential.
Study material designed forGREorMBAexams can prove to be helpful in preparing forBITSATEnglish since they are able to provide a complete breakdown and a stepwise explanation of the topics.
Synonym and antonym is always better of those with a good vocabulary hence, increasing your vocabulary whether through reading the dictionary or other vocabulary related books will always prove helpful for this section.
Jumbled Paragraphs
If you understand your grammar well cracking jumbled paragraphs is no tough task since it only requires putting together sentences so that they end up making sense.
Understanding the crux of the storyline and the sequence of events is the key to solving these problems.
Reading as much as possible can prove to be a good and rewarding exercise for solving jumbled paragraphs however, since it is not possible for engineering aspirants to read English a lot, newspapers are the best device for them and they should make newspaper reading into a habit not only for their English but also for general knowledge.
The task is most simplified if you are able to locate the beginning and end lines of the paragraph. Once you know how it starts and ends, the middle is easier to join together.
If nothing works try the elimination theory read through the choices available to decide which one of them is making more sense. However, beware of making any wild guesses because there is negative marking deducting 1 mark for every incorrect answer is applicable toBITSAT.
Question on Essay -
This is a time consuming but simple and high scoring question. In this the candidates are given an essay to read from which they are to them answer questions. Very similar to the unseen passages that appear in every English paper the simplest trick is to read through t he questions before reading the essay since it helps locating the paragraphs where the answers might be located.
Though it might appear extremely time consuming but one thorough read of the essay is inevitable to make sure you don't waste time reading it again searching for the answers.
Reading newspaper regularly can improve anyone's reading as well as grasping speed of any available text.
The answers should strictly belong to the given essay and no candidate must answer the questions from personal knowledge and assumed information.
Maximum questions in the English section of theBITSATpaper belong to the grammar section and can not be classified separately.
Parts of Speech, Tenses, Verb forms, Conditional Sentences, Types of Sentences etc. are some sections under grammar which might be asked in theBITSATEnglish paper in any form.
If starting preparations with good time in hands then reading through books like Wren and Martin, everyday for a couple of hours, is a good choice, otherwise read through the study material forGREor other similar exams.
If you are good at English and you think you don't need to go back to the basics then solve as manyBITSATsample papers as possible to keep polishing your skills.
ThoughBITSATEnglishis a very small part of the entire exam but it is highly estranged for science students who spend all their time on the technical subjects. Also while preparing forBITSAT make sure you study English regularly since it is not a thing to be leaned in a day.
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
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