
will the eligibility criteria for iit 2010 will change from 60% to 70% and will 69.8% be considered 70%...................................... because i got 69.8%.................

will the eligibility criteria for iit 2010 will change from 60% to 70% and will 69.8% be considered 70%...................................... because i got 69.8%.................


2 Answers

vicky rathore
8 Points
15 years ago
no it's not changing 60% is fixed
ashish kumar
17 Points
15 years ago


Dear Mitali,

Till date the eligibility criteria for JEE2010 is still 60% marks in 12th examination. If any new notice regarding this comes, we will make you aware of the fact.

If by chance it is increased to 70% than 69.8% wont be considered as 70% and you wont be eligible for that.

Thank you.

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