
Lim x-infinity 2^n+1 + 3^n+1 /2^n + 3^n. options are (1) 2 (2). 3. (3). 5 … anyone there who can explain it full

Lim x-infinity 2^n+1 + 3^n+1 /2^n + 3^n.                                                                                                              options are (1) 2   (2). 3. (3). 5 … anyone there who can explain it full


3 Answers

Rinkoo Gupta
askIITians Faculty 81 Points
10 years ago
lim x-> infinity 3n+1[1+(2/3)n+1]/3n[1+(2/3)n]
lim x->infinity 3[1+(2/3)n+1]/[1+(2/3)n]
=3 since ainfinity=infinity or 0 according to a>1 or a<1
here 2/3<1 so (2/3)infinityis zero .
Thanks & Regards
Rinkoo Gupta
AskIIIians Faculty
Arun Kumar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 256 Points
10 years ago

Thanks & Regards
Arun Kumar
Btech, IIT Delhi
Askiitians Faculty
23 Points
10 years ago
Rinku gupta what will happen if a is greater than 1 

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