
which is better for cse 1] dual delhi 5 years cse 2] dual madras 5 years cse 3] dual karaghpur 5 years cse 4] roorkee 4years cse 5] IIIT H cse give me increasing order of preference..

which is better for cse
1] dual delhi 5 years cse
2] dual madras 5 years cse
3] dual karaghpur 5 years cse
4] roorkee 4years cse
5] IIIT H cse
give me increasing order of preference..

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Vineet Vinayak
22 Points
9 years ago
now this depends on how badly you want the IIT degree. If it means a lot to you, iiith will be the last choice for you although not the best choice. this would be followed by iitr, then madras, then kgp and highest would be delhi. but in my view, the actual thing should be:
if your taking cs because of placements and want to get out of engineering to try for upsc or cat, then 5 year courses will be too much and irritating. then iiith and then roorkee is suggested followed by delhi kgp and madras. 

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