
Sir, does Naval Architecture and ocean engineering from IIT Madras provide a wide range of placements to its students and what may be its average pay scale?

Sir, does Naval Architecture and ocean engineering from IIT Madras provide a wide range of placements to its students and what may be its average pay scale?


1 Answers

Sunil Kumar FP
askIITians Faculty 183 Points
9 years ago
yes you will be getting placement in the naval field
Individuals working as marine engineers and naval architects are involved in the design, development, and evaluation of water-borne vehicles. They may design ship machinery, including propulsion systems or ballasts, or equipment related to general mechanical function of ships and watercraft. Bachelor's degrees are generally required for this occupation, and knowledge of ship terminology and basic engineering is expected.

A Marine Engineer or Naval Architect will normally get average salaries on a scale from 64000 - 96000 based on tenure and industry expertise. Marine Engineers and Naval Architects can receive a compensation of Eighty Five Thousand dollars yearly.

Marine Engineers and Naval Architects make the most money in Maryland, where they can receive salary pay of approximating $107680. People in this job function have the most lucrative average salary level in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, which has average wages of $110970.
thanks and regards
sunil kr
askIITian faculty

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