
JEE Adv Rank 1672 BITSAT score 335 As per my ranking, I won’t get CSE at old IITs or BITS Pilani. So, which is an easier way to get CSE after first year: 1.Take some other branch at old IITs, get a good CGPA and try for branch change to CSE. 2.Take MSc(Hons) Dual Degree course at BITS Pilani, get a good CGPA and try for CSE at the time of allotment of BE branches after first year.

JEE Adv Rank 1672
BITSAT score 335
As per my ranking, I won’t get CSE at old IITs or BITS Pilani. So, which is an easier way to get CSE after first year:
1.Take some other branch at old IITs, get a good CGPA and try for branch change to CSE.
2.Take MSc(Hons) Dual Degree course at BITS Pilani, get a good CGPA and try for CSE at the time of allotment of BE branches after first year.

Grade:12th Pass

1 Answers

Sher Mohammad IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 174 Points
10 years ago
Both options are possible , but very tough , in IIT it is nearly impossible for you to get into CS, you must be into the top students in first year, the second option is bit easier, but you can go with branches like Maths and computing which has placment similar to cse.
sher mohammad, iit delhi

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