Flag Branch Ranking of IIT> hi......this is swathi.......my sister go...
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hi......this is swathi.......my sister got 527 rank in obc category...in jee advanced this year........there r prospects of getting EE B.TECH IN IIT ROORKEE and dual degree EE in chennai,kharagpur.can u please suggest which one is better among these three.apart from these there is a dual degree EE with specialisation in biomedical engineering in chennai.how is it when compared to dual degree EE In kharagpur.what about the differences in  campus placements of EE BTECH and DUAL degree

swathi , 9 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Saurabh Kumar

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

You should go for Dual degree at IIT Kgp > Degree at IIT R » IIT Madras for EE
Placement of dual degree is same as bachleor but one year additional exp on projects counted a better way for future prospects...


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