
iit patna comp sc. or nsit comp sc.

iit patna comp sc. or nsit comp sc.


Grade:12th Pass

1 Answers

Godfrey Classic Prince
633 Points
13 years ago

Dear sidhant jain,

You must never miss NSIT(Computer Science & Engg) for IIT-Patna(Computer Science & Engineering) !!

Go for NSIT(CSE) because it is way to costy to lose !!

They are far better than IIT-Patna(CSE) in Pakcages,Placements etc.., the only thing they lack is the IIT brand name which IIT-Patna has !


So go for NSIT(CSE) boldly..!!

All the Best & Good Luck !!

Hope thishelped you immensely..!

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