
Hi, I got material Sci and Metal Engg in IIT kanpur and CSE in IIIT Hydrabad. Out of two which one should I chose? what is the future of Material Sci and metal Engg scope etc??

Hi, I got material Sci and Metal Engg in IIT kanpur and CSE in IIIT Hydrabad. Out of two which one should I chose? what is the future of Material Sci and metal Engg scope etc??


2 Answers

Godfrey Classic Prince
633 Points
13 years ago

Dear Vivek Sharma,

Go for Materials Science & Metal Engg @ IIT-Kanpur !!

You cannot miss IIT-Kanpur(Materials Sience & Metal Engg) for IIIT-Hyderabad(CSE) !!!

The cope of Material Science & Metal Engg is Vast !!

You can get into any Leather Company or goods manufacturing company & be place in one of the highest positions !!

The Oppotunitites are endless in this field !!


So be wise & opt for IIT-Kanpur(Materials Science & Metal Engg) ..!!

All the Best & Good Luck !!

Hope thishelped you immensely..!!

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Vivek Verma
4 Points
13 years ago

Dear Godfery Sir,

Thanks a lot for your wise advice.


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