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my daughter got iitm-chemical and nitw-ece.Please guide me to choose the best (placementswise & subjectwise).

parusharouthu krishnapriya , 14 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
Prudhvi teja

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear krishnapriya

Placement wise I should say in both of them you will get placed at average of almost same salary. And with respect to subject both are totally different. But IIT is always a brand and its evry heavy than NIT. In ECE there may be more job opportunities but I would suggest to go for IIT Madras.

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Prudhvi Teja


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megha gautam

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

I think ur daughter should go for nitw ece branch coz placementwise ece is the most sought after branch now. But if she wants to go with the TAG of IIT she can opt for iitm. NIT warangal is one of the top most NIT and is very reputed .

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