
sir plz help me.... i got sc rank 1728.. can i get any IIT with any trade... this year 1773 sc candidates selected.. i know the rank is too poor but us there still any chances??????????

sir plz help me....

i got sc rank 1728..

can i get any IIT with any trade...

this year 1773 sc candidates selected..

i know the rank is too poor but us there still any chances??????????

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear Dheeraj

With this rank ,getting a seat in IIT is very difficult.

you may get seat in ISMU Dhanbad .

most probably you will get prepratory course in IT BHU or ISMU Dhanbad.

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