
which is not true regarding ecosystem? 1.self sufficient unit 2.cyclic exchange of materials between living beings and environment 3.only requirement is input of energy 4. characterized by a major vegetation type As per the source, the answer is 4th...whereas i thought it to be the 3rd...please clarify

which is not true regarding ecosystem?
1.self sufficient unit
2.cyclic exchange of materials between living beings and environment
3.only requirement is input of energy
4. characterized by a major vegetation type
As per the source, the answer is 4th...whereas i thought it to be the 3rd...please clarify


1 Answers

Mahima Kanawat
1010 Points
6 years ago
Dear student... Requirement in ecosystem is input of energy and nutrients so that there is flow of energy and cycling of nutrients. Community is characterized by major vegetation type not ecosystem... WITH REGARDS, MAHIMA (ASKIITIANS FORUM EXPERT)

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