
We often come across long rope like structures hanging from the branches of an old banyan tree. What is the morphological nature of these rope structures? They are branches of the shoot system They are prop roots They are tendrills They are special organs for attachment

We often come across long rope like structures hanging from the branches of an old banyan tree. What is the morphological nature of these rope structures?
  1. They are branches of the shoot system
  2. They are prop roots
  3. They are tendrills
  4. They are special organs for attachment

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Komal Zutshi
askIITians Faculty 11 Points
10 years ago

Rope like structures hanging from the branches of an old banyan tree are called as prop roots.
Prop roots: These are large pillar–like roots, which appear from large horizontal
branches in trees like banyan (Ficus benghalensis). These adventitious roots grow
downwards, which may finally enter into the soil. These roots are provided with root
caps. These hanging roots change their colour from brown to red after absorbing waterfrom atmosphere. As they look like pillars, hence called as pillar roots. Sometimes thesepillar roots and main stem are of same thickness. They support or prop up the horizontalbranches like pillars. Even if the main trunk die, the prop roots fully replace it. With thehelp of prop roots, banyan tree can spread over a large area and becomes almostimmortal.

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