
We observe patients lying in coma in hospitals virtually supported by machines which replace heart and lungs.The patient has no self conciousness.Are such patients who never come back to normal life,living or non living?

We observe patients lying in coma in hospitals virtually supported by machines which replace heart and lungs.The patient has no self conciousness.Are such patients who never come back to normal life,living or non living?

Grade:12th pass

9 Answers

733 Points
9 years ago
They are living even though they have no self consciousness. They have cellular organisation which is a defining feature of all living organisms.
Please approve if my answer is correct.
saurabh singh
19 Points
7 years ago
living because main defining property of living organism is cellular organisation. this person is clinically dead but biologically living..... answered. by Saurabh Singh 9026634945,8299414804
Aditi Singh
36 Points
6 years ago
of course  they are living because the defining property of metabolism still revives in them .also they have proper cellular organization.So definitely they are living.they become dead when their metabolism stops. 
11 Points
6 years ago
 ​he is living because biochemical reaction is occurring in his body and main thing is that his mind is not dead
13 Points
6 years ago
Truely that person is living because though his heart and lungs are replaced by machines or he is brain dead doesn't prove that he or she is non living the main reasons which proves that he is living are:::::-----
1): Metabolism:-- in his body this process is still going on because the blood is still flowing through his veins.
2):: Cellular Organisation::- as human is multicellular organism it means he or she possess Cellular Organisation grade.
It doesn't matters that he has no self consciousness but he is living one you can't prove him non living
15 Points
6 years ago
yes person is living because all chemical internal metabolic reaction occur throughout the body and also according to me for internal work brain give the order. i think the person who is in coma who only can’t give the responce to outside.
15 Points
5 years ago
Living because a person has no self consciousness but has cellular or biological organisation which is more predominent
MD Awaisuddin
15 Points
5 years ago
Living because metabolism and cellular organisation is present even though consciousness is absent........
Khan Aliza
15 Points
4 years ago
Yes patient is living

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