
Mention two advantages for preferring CNG over diesel as an automobile fuel.

Mention two advantages for preferring CNG over diesel as an automobile fuel.


6 Answers

9 Points
7 years ago
(i) CNG is cheaper than diesel.
(ii) Cannot be siphoned off by thieves & adulterated.
(iii) CNG burns most efficiently.
Satendra Kumar
34 Points
7 years ago
CNG is cheaper than diesel, Cannot be siphoned off by thieves & adulterated, CNG burns most efficiently.
Pragyansh Samaiyar
24 Points
7 years ago
The advantages of using CNG over diesel are:
  • It is envoirment freindly as it does not leaves any(Complete Combustion takes place) and does not produces harmful gases such as Carbon Monoxide(CO) , Carbon Dioxide(CO2) etc.
  • It is  a cheaper alternative.
  • It produces more energy upon combustion than diesel.
20 Points
7 years ago
CNG is a easily combustible & given out without smoke this enhances & increases the efficiency of engineIf it is fitted for two wheelers it might be very helpful
Harshit Panwar
108 Points
7 years ago
Aashu Mittal
85 Points
6 years ago
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