
Evaluation of new vareity in India is done by ? IARI IVRI ICAR RRI

Evaluation of new vareity in India is done by ?
  1. IARI
  2. IVRI
  3. ICAR
  4. RRI

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Apoorva Arora IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 181 Points
10 years ago
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, India is an autonomous organisation under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, government of India. Formerly known as the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research, it was established in 1929 as a registered society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 in pursuance of the report of the Royal Commission on Agriculture. ICAR has its headquarters at New Delhi.

The Council is the apex body for coordinating, guiding and managing research and education in agriculture including horticulture, fisheries and animal sciences in the country. It has 99 ICAR institutes and 53 agricultural universities spread across the country.

The ICAR has played a role in enabling the country to increase the production of foodgrains by four, horticultural crops by six, fish by nine (marine five and inland 17, milk six times and eggs 27 times since 1950.

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