
Calotropis, tulip, sesbania, asparagus, colchicine, sweet pea, petunia, indigofera, mustard, soya bean, tobacco, groundnut Please tell me which one's in the above are examples of valvate aestivation?

Calotropis, tulip, sesbania, asparagus, colchicine, sweet pea, petunia, indigofera, mustard, soya bean, tobacco, groundnut 
Please tell me which one's in the above are examples of valvate aestivation?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
Calotropis, tulip, Asparagus, colchicine, Petunia, mustard, tobacco having valvate aestivation while sweet pea, groundnut, soyabean, Indigofera, Sesbania having vexillary aestivation

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